Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 1752
Annual Return Start: 01 May 2021
Annual Return End: 30 Apr 2022
Date Received: 13 Oct 2022
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L2.4 & O4.1 pH exceeded concentration limits from 19/03/22 until 21/03/22 due to caustic solution overdose. This also caused exceedances on Phosphorus limits and effluent to bypass UV filtration from approximately 6:00pm on 19/03/22 until 5:20am on 22/03/22. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
L3.1 Bombala STP exceeded the discharge volume limit of 1722kL per day for the plant on two wet weather occasions, a total of 5 days, during the licence year EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 5